Vajra Arts Mandal
Tantric Yoga and Dance
Classes in Corvallis and Portland, OR
Contact to register:
Corvallis, 3/4, Wednesday, 6:00 PM
Portland, 3/7, Saturday, 10:00 AM
Portland, 3/10, Tuesday, 10:00 AM
Portland, 3/12, Thursday, 10:00 AM
Portland, 3/14, Saturday, 10:00 AM
Portland, 3/17, Tuesday, 10:00 AM
Portland, 3/19, Thursday, 10:00 AM
Corvallis, 3/21, Saturday, time TBD
Corvallis, 3/23, Monday, 6:00 PM
Corvallis, 3/25, Wednesday, 6:00 PM
Portland, 3/28, Saturday, 10:00 AM
Portland, 3/31, Tuesday, 10:00 AM
Classes are an hour and a half, and sizes are currently limited to three people. Please register in advance. Also offering private yoga, dance, raga or Sanskrit lessons, workshops or retreats.
A fusion of Hatha Yoga and the sacred Tantric dance of Nepal, this class will focus on classical performing arts as a spiritual practice. Exercises are designed to open the chakras and subtle channels, develop physical strength and fluidity, and awaken your manifestation of the divine.
This class is an all level, dance yoga fusion with an emphasis on calisthenics and sacred dance. Please bring your own mat. $10 donation recommended. No one refused for lack of funds.
For more information contact:
More to come...